Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Can clients become friends?

So, I treat my clients as I do my friends. I take an interest in their lives, I ask about their kids, their weekends and their struggles. Our zoom calls always start with a good ol’ yarn and end up going over time. So why is it so important that clients are more than just clients?

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Are you scared to outsource your branding?

This was the expertise I was missing! Yes, at first I was nervous because I didn't think anyone could care about my business as much as I do, but I was so wrong! Outsourcing is a major step for any small business and you want to know that you're in great, capable, trustworthy hands. And outsourcing your brand - the visuals you need to feel aligned and connected with for the foreseeable future, that can be the scariest thing of all.

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Overcoming self-doubt as a creative business owner.

Self-doubt creeps in all forms – from decision paralysis to overthinking. Yes it can be debilitating and you send yourself spiralling and you’re left with nothing but negative thoughts to get you through an extremely long night. The good news?

You can overcome self-doubt. Or at least learn to not let it consume you.

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

We know you’re feeling the overwhelm. We are too.

Instagram, TikTok, conversations and life in general is feeling all very doomsday-prepper overwhelming and it’s hard to not consider the future of your business in uncertain economic times. Because, we’re all for talking about hard topics, there’s a genuine air of fear and panic that is running rampant across our socials right now. And we’re feeling all the feelings!

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