What does Netflix's “Perfect Match” & obsession worthy brands have in common?

Can I turn my obsession with reality TVS into a branding lesson? You betcha! Here we go 👇

The latest obsession on my screen has been "Perfect Match" — a ridiculous concept? Yes, of course. Did I watch it all in less than a week? Also, yes, of course.

But here's what I learnt about great branding in the process...

Picture this: you’re tuning into "Perfect Match," that TV show where singles mingle and seek out their ideal partners. The drama, the anticipation, the excitement of finding that one perfect person – it’s addictive, right? Now, what if I told you that creating a standout brand is a lot like finding your perfect match?

Just like the contestants on the show, your brand needs to attract, engage, and ultimately win over its audience. How?

First Impressions Matter

On "Perfect Match," the initial meet-and-greet is crucial. Contestants dress their best, flash their brightest smiles, and put their best foot forward. Similarly, your brand’s visual identity – your logos, colour palette, typography – is the first thing people see. But it's more than that — your brand needs to make your audience feel something, it needs to be a total brand experience! It needs to be striking, memorable, and reflective of your brand’s personality. Think of it as your brand’s way of saying, “Hey, notice me!”

Authenticity Wins Hearts

Contestants who stay true to themselves and their values tend to go far on the show. The same goes for your brand. Authenticity resonates. Genuine connections above all else. Your brand’s story, mission, and voice should be genuine and consistent. Your audience can spot a fake a mile away, and they’re drawn to brands that are real, transparent, and relatable — be that brand.

Chemistry is Key

Just as couples on "Perfect Match" need chemistry to click, your brand needs to connect with its target audience on not just the physical, but an emotional level too. This connection is built through understanding your audience’s needs, desires, and pain points. It's about understand them and showing that you hear them. When your brand speaks directly to these, it creates a bond that goes beyond the surface.

Communication is Everything

Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings and breakups, just like it did for a few of the couples... For your brand, clear and consistent communication is vital. Whether it’s through social media, your website, or customer service, your brand’s messaging should be coherent and consistent across all platforms. It’s about building trust and ensuring your audience knows what to expect from you.

Standing Out in a Crowd

In the sea of contestants, those who stand out often have a unique edge – a quirky personality, an interesting backstory, a certain look (aka your brand identity). Your brand should have its own unique selling proposition (USP) that differentiates it from competitors. Your brand should have a visual edge as well - one that is founded in strategy and effortlessly embodies who your business is. What makes your brand special? Highlight that and let it cut through.

Building a Long-Term Relationship

The goal on "Perfect Match" isn’t just a fleeting romance but a lasting relationship. Similarly, great branding isn’t about quick wins; it’s about building long-term loyalty and fostering long-term connections. Consistently delivering on your brand promise, providing exceptional customer experiences, and nurturing your community are all part of maintaining that lasting relationship. Don't underestimate the power of repetitive messaging and consistent visuals.

Creating a brand that’s obsession-worthy is much like finding your perfect match on a reality TV show. It takes effort, authenticity, clear communication, and a unique edge. By focusing on these elements, you can design a brand that not only captures attention but also wins hearts and builds lasting relationships.

Working with us, you'll notice the difference in attracting your audience with ease, because we embody these very things through our brand strategy and identity design process.

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The #1 mistake I see clients make all the time.