5 tips on hiring a brand designer. And why you should work with me.

You can no longer get away with not having a brand.

It's a non-negotiable for any business, any industry, any stage. Whether you've been in business six months or six years, there's never a wrong time to invest in branding. Having a unique, stand out, compelling and emotive brand is crucial for capturing and holding your dream people's attention. A well-crafted brand story, that leads into an identity not only speaks volumes about your business but also fosters loyalty and trust among your people.

But how do you go about hiring the right brand designer who can bring your vision to life? Here are the top five things you should know, from my experience, about hiring a brand designer and what you can expect from the process.

1. Understand Your Brand Needs and Goals

Before you even begin searching for a brand designer, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your brand needs and goals.

  1. Are you looking to create a brand from scratch?

  2. Do you need a rebrand to refresh your current image?

  3. What challenges are you experiencing with your brand?

  4. Is your current brand holding you back?

Knowing your goals will help you communicate effectively with potential designers and ensure that they can deliver what you’re looking for.

What to expect from TGS: A great brand designer (*clears throat, me) will ask you detailed questions about your business, target audience, and brand aspirations. I'll want to understand your vision, values, and what sets you apart from the competition. I need to know what your brand is all about and where you want to go, which is the very foundations of designing a brand identity that resonates with your audience and aligns with your business goals.

2. Review Portfolios and Case Studies

A designer’s portfolio is a window into their style, skills, and versatility. Always, always, always review portfolios and projects to make sure this is the kind of designer you want to work with. Do your due diligence and watch the process videos, their WIPs and check out their testimonials. All of this will give you a sense of their process, their work, their aesthetic and whether it aligns with your brand’s personality. Look for a designer whose work demonstrates creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to adapt to different brand voices.

What to expect from TGS: A strong portfolio should showcase a range of designs that successfully communicates diverse brand messages and stories, creating emotional connections with the intended audience. My portfolio (shameless portfolio plug) is continuously updated with new projects, that shares insight into the behind the scenes working, the final outcome, the handover documents and of course, testimonials.

3. Consider Experience and Expertise

Experience matters when it comes to brand design. While fresh talent can bring innovative ideas, seasoned designers bring a wealth of knowledge and industry insights that can be invaluable to your project. Consider what level of experience and expertise is necessary for your specific needs, goals and business.

What to expect from TGS: With ten years experience as a graphic designer, and five as a business owner (and working across multiple industries, in different teams and with different audiences) I have a deep understanding of brand strategy, design trends and consumer behaviour. I can provide strategic guidance and recommend best practices to ensure your brand not only stands out amongst the crowd, but truly sets your business apart while setting you up for success long term.

4. Evaluate Communication and Collaboration Skills

Effective communication and collaboration are key to a successful brand design project. Your designer should be able to listen to your ideas, provide constructive feedback, and work collaboratively with you throughout the process. Look for someone who is open, approachable, honest and willing to collaborate on your design project with a common goal — your brand's success.

What to expect from TGS: An over-communicator with an attention to detail, you can expect regular check-ins and updates, honest and constructive feedback and collaborative sessions. With the intention to set you up for success, I'll always present concepts with clear rationales and design decisions, and be open to your feedback. A collaborative approach ensures that the final design is a true reflection of your vision and meets your business goals.

5. Discuss Budget and Timeline

Understanding the financial and time investment required for your brand design project is pretty important, and not something to shy away from! Be upfront about your budget and timeline constraints, and make sure the designer you want can accommodate them. Remember, high-quality design is an investment that will have significant returns in brand recognition, awareness and customer loyalty. Plus, you'll no longer feel like you're working for your brand, but instead you'll feel more confident, have more time back and be incredibly consistent across all platforms.

What to expect from TGS: I always want my clients to have visibility of the entire project, inclusions and expectations. Even my Services Guide is detailed! I provide a detailed proposal outlining the scope of work, deliverables, costs, and timelines, and I'm incredibly transparent about additional cost, expectations and how I'd like us to work together. No question is silly, and I want to work with you to create the best possible outcome for your business.

Hiring a brand designer is a huge step toward building a strong, undeniable brand. By understanding your needs, reviewing portfolios, considering experience, evaluating communication skills, and discussing budget and timeline, you can find the right designer who will bring your brand vision to life (hey, it's me 🙋‍♀️). Remember, a successful brand is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a cohesive and compelling story that resonates with your audience and continually propels your business to new heights.

Your brand is the heart and soul of your business. Investing in a talented brand designer is investing in the future success of your brand. So take your time, do your research, and choose a designer who understands and shares your passion for your brand’s potential.

After all that, you should get in touch! Can't wait to hear from you.


A personal brands just a lesson in vanity?


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