Brand Red Flags: Why it's giving amateur and how to fix them.

Let’s be real — every business has to start somewhere, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But there are certain red flags that scream “amateur” when you’ve already made it past that starting line.

As a branding expert, I’m here to give you a friendly (but honest) nudge and help you identify these issues before they become a problem. These are common challenges my clients come to me with and now they’re distilled here, so you can learn from their mistakes.

The truth is, a lot of these red flags are things you might not even realise are holding you back. But if you're aiming to stand out, gain the trust of your audience, and ultimately grow into the sustainable brand I know you're capable of, it’s time to ditch these amateur moves. Here’s 7 red flags that are giving off those vibes — and more importantly, how to fix them.

Red Flag #1: Lack of Consistency

If your brand feels like it’s showing up differently every time someone interacts with it, you’ve got a consistency problem. Inconsistent visuals, messages, or tone across your website, social media, and marketing materials aren’t just confusing — they're an immediate turn-off. Your audience wants to know who you are and what you stand for without needing a decoder.

How to fix it: Establish clear brand guidelines, including fonts, colours, tone of voice, and imagery. And follow them everywhere. Consistency builds trust, and trust builds loyalty. Plus, a cohesive look makes your brand instantly recognisable.

Red Flag #2: DIY-ing Everything

Listen, I get it — when you’re bootstrapping your business, DIY-ing can be a necessity. But there’s a point where doing it all yourself actually costs you more than hiring a professional. That website you made might work for now, but is it giving off the vibe of a brand people want to invest in? Is it showing you’re serious? Probably not babe.

How to fix it: Know where to invest. Your brand identity, website, and product or service presentation should scream “professional.” Start by outsourcing the areas where you're not an expert. You’ll thank yourself later when your business starts getting more attention from the right people.

Red Flag #3: Poor Online Presence

If you’re still running your business with a website from 2010 and an Instagram feed that hasn’t been updated in weeks, you’re waving a massive red flag. People judge your business by what they see online. An outdated website or a lack of consistent social media presence signals to potential clients that you’re not putting in the effort — or worse, that your business is struggling.

How to fix it: It’s 2024 — having a modern, mobile-friendly website and an active online presence is non-negotiable. Make sure your website is up to date, and show up consistently on the platforms where your audience hangs out. Even if you're just posting once or twice a week, make it count!

Red Flag #4: No Clear Brand Voice

Your brand is more than just a logo and colors. It’s how you talk to your audience, how you make them feel, and the experience you create for them. If your voice isn’t clear, if you’re jumping between casual and corporate tones, or if you’re struggling to connect with your audience, you’re waving the amateur flag.

How to fix it: Develop a strong, authentic brand voice that speaks directly to your audience. Is your brand fun and approachable? Is it authoritative and educational? Whatever it is, stick to that voice in all your communications — your website, emails, social posts, and even how you interact with customers in person.

Red Flag #5: Overpromising, Under-delivering

There’s nothing that screams amateur more than making grand promises and then falling flat. Whether it's with unrealistic timelines, overhyped marketing, or just offering too much, if you can't deliver on what you say, your reputation takes a hit.

How to fix it: Always underpromise and overdeliver. Set realistic expectations with your clients and customers, and then go above and beyond to surprise and delight them. This builds trust and keeps people coming back for more.

Red Flag #6: Confusing Pricing

If customers are scratching their heads trying to figure out what your pricing is or why you’re charging what you do, you’re creating unnecessary friction. And let’s be real: confusion leads to lost sales.

How to fix it: Be transparent and clear with your pricing. Whether it’s on your website, in proposals, or on product pages, people should immediately understand what they’re paying for and why it’s worth it.

Red Flag #7: Lack of Systems and Processes

“Winging it” might have gotten you to this point, but if you want to scale and grow, it’s time to get organized. A lack of systems and processes behind the scenes is one of the biggest indicators of an amateur operation. From how you handle client inquiries to your content creation process, everything should be streamlined.

How to fix it: Implement systems for everything. Whether it’s automating tasks, creating templates, or using project management tools, systems will save you time and improve efficiency. Trust me, the more professional your internal operations, the smoother your client experience will be.

Leave amateur hour behind

These red flags aren’t the end of the world, but if you want to elevate your brand to the next level, it’s time to leave them behind. Take a good, hard look at where your business stands. If any of these points hit a little too close to home, don’t worry — you’re not alone.

The key is to recognise when it’s time to invest in yourself and your business. After all, the difference between an amateur and a pro is knowing when to level up. Go from that brand to THAT BRAND. Let’s make it happen.

Need help getting your brand to the next level? Whether it’s a full brand overhaul, a website refresh, or just getting clarity on your next steps, let’s work together to make your business look as pro as it deserves to be.


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Babe, stop stalling. Your procrastination is masking your self-doubt.