The non-negotiables for creating a brand with substance.

Purely pretty brands aren't it.
Pretty brands with substance are.

Controversial coming from a brand designer, yes, I know. But I'm here to push boundaries, tell a new story, and create brands that mean more than just a cute logo. An aesthetic brand means nothing if there's no story behind it. Yes, we all love aesthetics, and most of us also buy products because of that, but there's more to it than that. And I'm going to explain why.

The Importance of Brand Strategy

Laying the Foundation for Success

Brand strategy is the foundation of any successful brand. It’s like laying the groundwork of a house before you add the bricks. It's making sure the soil is right before you plant a seed. Without a solid brand strategy, your business risks being just another pretty face that is just lacking. My version of brand strategy, is called The Brand Blueprint. This is not just a fancy term; it’s a comprehensive, detailed and well articulated plan that defines the very essence of your brand. It's about creating and defining the foundations of your brand and business before any of the designing even happens.

Impact on Growth and Success

A well-crafted brand strategy can significantly impact your business's growth and success. It helps in clearly articulating your brand's story, mission, and values, making it easier to connect with your audience on a deeper level. When your audience feels emotionally connected to your brand, they are more likely to become advocates and raving brand fans!

With a strong brand strategy, your business can expect:

  1. Increased Brand Awareness: A clear strategy helps in consistently communicating your brand message, making it easier for your target audience to recognise and remember your brand.

  2. Customer Loyalty: When your brand resonates with your audience’s values and emotions, they are more likely to stick around and keep coming back.

  3. Competitors, who?: A unique and well-defined brand sets you apart from the competition, making your business more attractive to potential customers.

  4. Consistent Growth: With a strategic approach, your marketing efforts become more focused and effective, leading to sustained growth over time.

To create a brand that truly resonates and stands out, there are several non-negotiables that I believe will help you become undeniable while creating a standout brand with substance.

Evokes Emotion

Evoking an emotion means creating an emotional bond with your audience that fosters loyalty and community, making your brand memorable. Emotions can come through effective storytelling, celebrating your humanness and relatability. To reinforce that emotional chemistry, keep your messaging consistent and your audience engaged.

Why is it important?

Customer Loyalty: Emotionally connected customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and brand fans.

Brand Differentiation: Emotions help your brand stand out in a crowded market by creating a unique and personal connection with your audience.

Behaviours Align with Goals, Values, and Ethos

Brands with substance are brands where their behaviours align with their goals, values and ethos. Ensuring that all brand actions align with those core values, means that your brand and business maintains integrity and creates a genuine and credible presence. Through clear and honest communication about your brands goals and values, allows your audience to connect on a deeper level through shared experiences and ideals.

Why is it important?

Trust Building: Consistent and authentic behavior strengthens trust and builds a loyal customer base.

Brand Integrity: Alignment of actions with values preserves the integrity of your brand and prevents mixed signals.

Brand Voice Speaks Their Truth

Owning your voice and speaking your truth resonates more deeply with your audience, because it’s coming across as genuine and relatable. Reinforcing your brand voice comes through caption writing, emails, external comms — however you speak to your people. Once again, your brand voice makes your brand more memorable and relatable, celebrating the more human side.

Why is it important?

Trust and Credibility: Honesty in your brand voice builds trust and establishes credibility.

Customer Connection: A relatable brand voice helps in forming deeper connections with your audience.

Collaboration Over Competition

Collaboration is more important than competition, because there’s enough for you and your competitors. Focusing on celebrating and collaborating with others can open up more opportunities and also shows you’re fostering a sense of community within your industry and with others. Sharing knowledge, being open to new relationships and supporting others shows you’re genuine and living out your brand values.

Why is it important?

Innovation and Growth: Collaboration leads to innovation and growth opportunities for your brand.

Positive Brand Image: Emphasizing collaboration over competition portrays your brand as supportive and progressive.

Understanding the Emotional Pull of Their Audience

Emotions are the underlying foundation of creating a brand with substance. Understanding your audience through market research and knowing on a deeper level their emotional triggers and pulls, will allow you to be empathetic and in a better position to respond to their needs and desires. Tap into this emotional side by crafting messages and telling stories that evoke those emotional drivers for your audience.

Why is it important?

Effective Communication: Understanding emotional triggers helps in crafting messages that resonate deeply.

Customer Loyalty: When your audience feels understood, they are more likely to remain loyal to your brand.

Fostering Relationships and Community

Similar to collaborative efforts, actively engaging with your audience shows there’s a person behind the brand and you want to build relationships, not just a customer base. Understand where your audience spends their time and always add a personal touch to your interactions will make them feel valued, seen and cared for, which goes a long way to fostering a sense of community.

Why is it important?

Brand Loyalty: Strong relationships and a sense of community foster brand loyalty and advocacy.

Customer Retention: A supportive community enhances customer satisfaction and retention.

Undeniable Passion Shines Through Their Brand

We love passion! Showing genuine passion in everything your brand does, from product development to responding to comments, shows your brand’s passion and enthusiasm, which is infectious! When you’re passionate, you create inspiring content that reflect’s your eagerness and personality and dedication. Showing this side of your brand, attracts and resonates with like minded people.

Why is it important?

Attracts Like-Minded Individuals: Passionate brands attract passionate customers and employees who share the same values.

Inspires Loyalty: When customers see your passion, they are more likely to feel passionate about your brand as well.

Seek to Empower Others, More Than Just Making Money

Adding value to your people’s lives, solving their problems and having a genuine want to help the challenges in their lives or support them in chasing their dreams, shows that you’re about the person, not just the money. By consistently adding genuine value, you’ll show you’re all about empowering the individual.

Why is it important?

Positive Impact: Brands that seek to empower others create a positive impact on society and build a strong reputation.

Customer Loyalty: Customers are more likely to support brands that contribute positively to society and their lives.

Unconditional Honesty in All Things

Being transparent about your business practices, products, pricing, values, goals etc allows you to create an open dialogue with your audience, sharing what makes you tick and the challenges you have is you showing up as human. Without that human side, your brand is just another faceless company that lacks trust.

Why is it important?

Trust Building: Unconditional honesty builds trust and credibility with your audience.

Reputation Management: Honest communication helps in managing your brand’s reputation effectively.

Tells Their Unique Story, That Resonates

Sharing your brand’s unique story in an authentic and compelling way, creates a relatable and customer-centric brand that is relevant to their experience and aspirations. Use your unique story and compelling storytelling ideals to create and foster that emotional connection with your people.

Why is it important?

Memorable Brand: A unique and resonant story makes your brand memorable and distinctive.

Customer Engagement: Engaging stories capture the attention and interest of your audience.

A Stand-Out Brand That Just 🔥 Hits 🔥 Different

While substance is great, it still needs to look good! By clearly defining what makes your brand unique and different, you’ll have a better understanding of how to engage and connect with your audience, and then your brand does the heavy lifting by visually attracting and keeping your people around!

Why is it important?

Brand Differentiation: Standing out in the market makes your brand more attractive to potential customers.

Increased Market Share: A distinctive brand attracts more customers, increasing your market share and profitability.

By using these non-negotiables, you can create a brand with substance that not only looks good but also resonates deeply with your audience, fostering loyalty, growth, and long-term success. Let’s elevate your brand together. What things are you killing it at already, and what could you be doing better? Let’s find out and take your brand to the next level.

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The #1 mistake I see clients make all the time.


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