Why templates are your new business bestie.

Biz bestie? Yes, please! Anything that can help a fellow creative biz owner out, I’ve got you.

You don’t have time to be wasting creating and recreating your social media graphics every time you want to post.

Your grid is looking disconnected, messy and is not aligned to your brand/business at all.

You’re feeling overwhelmed at the thought of having to do it all over again.

You’re tired of writing the same thing over and over again, just to remember you’ve already written it and have to go down an email hole to find it.

You exert too much energy and time every week creating and sharing content.

You want to move onto other products/resources to help your audience and grow your business, but you’re stuck in what visual direction to take.

We love a template here at the studio. My business thrives on templates. They’ve allowed me to streamline my processes, content creation and client communication to the point where I don’t even have to think about updating or creating anything new.

Client enquiry — quickly copy and paste and update key information relevant to their enquiry. Send.

Brand proposals — add client brand, copy across relevant information from previous proposal, change date. Send.

Blogs — duplicate page, copy and paste text, format. Publish.

Pinterest — take blog title, find and replace copy in templates, export 10+ different designs. Schedule.

Instagram carousels — quickly add text to individual slides, export. Schedule.

Templates aren’t limited to just Instagram. They can be used across your business on all platforms to help you actually work on your business, instead of in your business and will allow you to quickly and effortlessly update collateral, socials and so much more with a few clicks of a button.

Personally, my social templates and website pages have been total game changers for my productivity (and my resolve to actually make updates and post - really calling myself out there ha!)

Here’s why templates are a must, not a should.


Like I’ve mentioned, templates are the fairy godmothers of productivity. They transform repetitive tasks into quick and painless processes. Imagine waving a wand and having your email replies, social media posts, or client proposals ready to go. This lets you focus on what you do best—running and growing your business.

A consistent brand is a trusted brand

Keeping your brand consistent across all platforms can feel like herding sheep (they’re everywhere all at once and can be confusing to keep track of). Templates ensure that every piece of communication reflects your brand’s voice, your visual aesthetic, your vision. This consistency builds trust with your audience and presents a polished, seamless strategy that feels aligned and intentional at every step. There’s no ambiguity for your audience.


Creating assets from scratch every time can lead to burnout and creative blocks. Templates reduce decision fatigue by providing a starting point. You’ll spend less time agonising over details and more time on strategic, big-picture tasks that drive your business forward.


As your business grows, so does your workload. Templates allow you to scale your efforts without scaling your stress levels. Whether you’re onboarding new team members or launching new services, having templates means you can maintain quality and efficiency.

Accessibility for Team Collaboration

If you have a team, templates ensure everyone is on the same page. They serve as a standardised guide, making collaboration smoother and more efficient. Your team can easily follow the template, ensuring the output is aligned with your brand and standards.

Now that you know allll the benefits, I bet you’re excited to start creating — amiright? Here’s a few ideas to get you started, and get you working on bigger and better things in your business.

Templates to get you started!

Client Onboarding Pack

Create a comprehensive onboarding template that includes a welcome email, service agreement, and initial consultation guide. This helps you make a great first impression and sets clear expectations from the get-go. We love an organised gal!

Project Proposal Template

Design an on brand, professional proposal template that outlines your services, pricing, timelines, and terms. This not only saves time but also ensures you consistently present your offerings in the best light. We don’t love inconsistency and confusion!

Social Media Content Calendar

Develop a monthly content calendar template that includes space for post ideas, captions, hashtags, and analytics tracking. This keeps your social media efforts organised and consistent without the daily scramble. I do mine in Asana, with a task template that allows me to quickly populate the info I need, no fuss.

Portfolio Showcase Template

Create a visually appealing template to showcase your work to potential clients. Include sections for project descriptions, images, client testimonials, and results. This can be easily updated as you complete new projects. Yesss, social proof!

Feedback and Testimonial Request Template

Have a ready-to-use template for requesting feedback and testimonials from clients after completing a project. This ensures you regularly gather social proof to build credibility and attract new clients, and you’re consolidating the right information, with the right type of feedback and client experience.

Let me tell you a lil’ secret — these templates are your business’s secret weapon, making daily operations smoother and more efficient while freeing you up to grow your business, nurture relationships and have more time for you!

Need a starting point? We’ve got your website and socials covered.

Meet your new business bestie, Evie.


New brand? Now, how do you implement on your socials? My top 5 tips.


A personal brands just a lesson in vanity?