You don’t need to freak out about your website. I’ve got you sorted.

Freaking out about your website?

You, along with every other business owner who needs one! Well, I've got the down low, the inside goss, the deets on what you need to know about Squarespace templates before jumping in.

The basics? A Squarespace template is a pre-designed set of key pages that serve as the foundations of your new site. You can customise your brand (fonts, colours, styles, imagery and more!) and there's so many layout options that work for a variety of businesses.

This little corner of the internet is the ultimate first impression of your brand experience. A potential make or break for your business — no pressure!

🏅 Your big goals

First, you need to dig deep. What are your goals? Your vision? Ecommerce or services? You need a site template that aligns with your values and dream style. What type of information are you needing to showcase? A portfolio? Think about your website as a whole, then narrow down your choices from there.

🎡 Bells & whistles are overrated

The custom coding, the fancy menus, the delightful nuances — they're not the most important thing - especially when you're starting out. Don't get all starry-eyed in the face of beauty. Be smart, understand what you need and how it needs to look. Start simple, because you can always customise and refine later! The MOST important part of your site is the user experience and the functionality. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Ensure the template you're investing in provides a seamless and visually appealing way to showcase your products or services.

⏰ Ain't nobody got time for that

Developing a website from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive. Squarespace templates are a cost-effective alternative without compromising on quality. The easy editing, the simple user interface and the ability customise to suit your needs, you can quickly launch your website and start attracting your dream people, allowing you to focus more on growing your business rather than getting bogged down in technical details.

👉 Future proofing your business

You won't be left behind, as a global leader in websites, Squarespace continuously updates its platform with new features, security measures, design updates and performance improvements. This means your website will remain up-to-date with the latest web standards and technologies, reducing the need for frequent redesigns.

👩‍⚕️ Support?

Don't fall into the DIY trap. When sourcing the perfect site, make sure you also receive some type of guidelines, tutorials or starter pack. Yes, Squarespace is user-friendly, but if you're a newbie, it takes time to get your head around. Then the cycle will begin again. Having go-to instructions is a no-brainer, so make sure you find a site that looks great, but comes with all the good stuff too.

Now, you just have to make it yours.


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Humbled by a drawer. An embarrassing story.