Five questions I’m tired of answering…kidding!

My dearest, talented, busy brand and business owners! Finding the perfect brand designer can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Some are great, but potentially out of your budget. The people that are in your budget, might not be offering what you need.

Finding that designer unicorn to bring your vision to life is so important. You need to feel connected to them, supported by them and comfortable with them. Ours is a collaborative process, which requires a lot of time and energy working together for the right solution. You and your designer need to be on the same page, especially when it comes to your brand brief — because their interpretation of the brief, will make or break your branding process, and the outcome.

This isn't a decision you want to get wrong.

Because avoidable multiple rebrands over the years can lead to

  1. lost brand awareness and recognition

  2. lost trust and emotional connections with your audience

  3. wasted time, effort and money

I hear you asking "well how do I find the right designer??" The short answer — you need to do the research. Jump on calls, stalk a few socials, send out emails and get a vibe for what you think you need, what someone can offer you and how you'd like to work with someone. Having a clear understanding of your goals and future state, plus current challenges within your brand, are all great starting points when finding the perfect person.

Because you obviously need to vet people, here are the top five questions I get asked all the time, by clients who are in the same position as you! And it's these questions that tip the scales in my favour majority of the time...

  1. Is there flexibility in your budget and timeline constraints?

  2. Have you worked with similar businesses/industry?

  3. What's your process like? Collaborative? Linear?

  4. What process do you have for understanding my business needs and the brief?

  5. What's included in the handover? ie/ what do I get at the end of the project?

Here's why they're important and what you should be listening out for in a potential designer's answers.

Budget & Timeline

The hardest question first! Listen out for key milestone payments, terms of payment details and if they're willing to work to your budget (within reason!) You want to make sure you're clear on the budget and scope, to ensure no unexpected costs come up. You also need to make sure the timeline, especially the start date, works within any potential launches. Some designers book out months in advance so make sure you're reaching out and booking before you're too desperate!

Similar Businesses/Industries

Listen out for answers that talk to experiences with similar challenges or needs to a brand like yours. Sometimes, there a common issues across multiple industries/niches that are all solved with branding, so it can be quite general. It's important to really understand your deeper challenges, so that your designer can accurately address these and provide design solutions. You also want to be confident in their ability to design for your brand, even if they have worked with a similar business. No need for copycat brands!


Listen out for a set process and key milestones, communication options, revisions and feedback. This shows they're setup, confident in their process and have clear guidelines around a standard process. You also want to make sure that you're comfortable with the level of collaboration, whether you'd like more rounds of feedback and ask questions on any specific aspects — for example, social templates and website design.

Understanding the Brief

If you're hearing words like questionnaire, strategy calls, discovery calls — jackpot! You want your designer to have a deep understanding of your business and context around it. It's important to truly understand the foundations of a business, before you can really dive into the aesthetics.


Probably the most important question and answer. You want to know that the scope of the project is aligned to your expectations and will help you overcome your current challenges, while setting you up for the future. What kind of deliverables will be included? How is it handed over? What are my next steps? Is x included? The MOST important part of a handover — The Brand Book or usage guidelines. You don't want just a style guide or a brand board. You need usage — this includes clear brand application instructions across platforms, examples of social media, colour pairings, font usage, typography styles, logo usage and more.

While there's a lot more, this is a great starting point for business owners, just like you, before you start on your rebranding journey! I hope that this was helpful, and feel free to ask me these questions! I love connecting with clients, easing their minds about the things they're concerned with and talking them through every step of the process.

If you have questions, or would like to organise a chemistry call — let's do it!


How to break up with a service provider — nicely.


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