Babe, stop stalling. Your procrastination is masking your self-doubt.

Let’s be real — procrastination often masks self-doubt. It’s easy to delay when you’re unsure how to start or worried about not getting it perfect.

Whether it’s diving into that big project, updating your website, or finally tackling your brand identity, the to-do list grows while your motivation shrinks. It's a story I've heard (and experienced) all too often.

But here’s the truth: motivation isn’t about waiting for the perfect moment or suddenly feeling inspired. It’s about taking action, no matter how small, and trusting that you’ll figure it out along the way. The key to overcoming procrastination is embracing the messy middle, that space where you’re learning, experimenting, and sometimes failing.

This is where a solid brand identity is your business game-changer. When you’ve got a clear, compelling brand identity and strategy, it’s like having a blueprint for your business. It’s easier to move forward when you’re confident in how your brand looks and feels — when you know it reflects your values, speaks to your audience, and sets you apart in the market.

Investing in your brand identity isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about empowerment. It’s about giving yourself the tools to show up confidently in your business, knowing you have a strong foundation to build on. So, the next time you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself: Is it because you’re uncertain about the task, or because you’re unsure of how your brand will carry you through it?

The actions

Here's a few things I've learnt along the way that have helped me when I start procrastinating, and inevitably holding my business back.

  1. Break tasks into small, actionable steps
    Start with one simple task, and then slowly build. Work backwards if you have to!

  2. Set deadlines and accountability
    Use time blocks or project management tools to keep yourself on track and avoid the open-ended nature of creative work. I use Asana and Clockify to manage my time and make sure I don’t spend too long on lower value tasks.

  3. Prioritise progress over perfection
    Done is better than perfect. Allow yourself to work in drafts, revisiting and refining later. Just get it done.

  4. Use a creative routine
    Develop a consistent process for your creative work. Set a time each day dedicated solely to creation, free from distractions. Not everything needs to be insta-worthy.

  5. Reconnect with your “why”
    Remind yourself of the passion and purpose behind your work. When you’re emotionally connected, it’s easier to push through resistance.

  6. Seek inspiration through action
    Sometimes, inspiration comes after you start. Jump into the work, and the ideas will follow.

  7. Delegate or outsource where possible
    If certain tasks feel too daunting, delegate or outsource parts of the project to free up your mental energy for creative work (if you can!)

And lastly…

Let go of the self-criticism babe!

It's doing nothing to serve you. Embrace the learning process, the experimentation, the messy middle. With a brand identity that aligns with your vision, you’ll find the motivation to push through the tough spots and keep moving toward your goals. After all, your business deserves the best version of you, fully committed, confident, and ready to thrive.


Brand Red Flags: Why it's giving amateur and how to fix them.


The Destructive Disconnect: When brand visuals and business goals don't align.