Prioritising your wellbeing as a business owner.

Maintaining your mental health and well-being is incredibly important for everyone and should always be a top priority.

Moving through the different seasons of your business can have a huge impact on how you show up, respond and ultimately, your productivity. When things aren't going as expected, it can be difficult to look past the challenges. This often leads to bad habits resurfacing, a decline in your creativity, reduced productivity and just an overall exhaustion that feels rampant across the board right now.

At times like this, it's easy to get swept up in the negativity, but we always need to remember how to pull ourselves out and do the things that light us up, to get us through it. Coming back to this simple activity, will help you (as it has so many others) feel refreshed and will give you the little pep you need.

Find 30 minutes in your day to just sit with this activity and make a plan. Turn off or remove all distractions, this includes your phone, emails and Instagram. Move to a neutral area in your house, go to the park or set yourself up at a library or your favourite cafe. Grab a notebook and a pen.

Once you're settled, ready to really dig deep, ask yourself these questions.

  1. What are my non-negotiables right now?

  2. How am I going to incorporate these into my routine moving forward?

  3. What do I need to do to make sure this actually happens?

Here's what it could look like:

My non negotiables are:

  1. Meal prep Sundays

  2. No working on weekends

I'll incorporate these into my routine by:

  1. Plan and organise meals and groceries before Sunday

  2. Close everything off Friday afternoon, put my OOO on and pack up my space

I'll make sure these happen by...

  1. Habit stacking and creating mini routines eg coffee and a pastry, grocery shop, meal prep etc

  2. Asking a friend to hold me accountable

  3. Planning my time during the week, allowing these things to happen on the weekend

These don't have to be limited to personal things either. They can be whatever is going to make you feel more productive, in control and grounded when it comes to navigating challenging seasons in your business. Every business owner needs to know their limits, know what they can handle and prioritise their health and well-being first and foremost.

Because you can't pour from an empty cup.

What are your non-negotiables as a business owner?


Stop getting in your own way.


Can clients become friends?