Community over competition. Always.

There’s enough room for all of us designers out in the world and on social media. We all have our own unique talents, niche markets and quirks that set us apart and attract different people to us and our design work. 

It is the realisation that we shouldn’t be in competition with each other (especially with other women!), which is the catalyst for forming strong, meaningful connections with others. It is this turning point in our minds that allows us to truly see the beauty and strength that a passionate and supportive community can offer. 

I’ve made so many connections with beautiful, talented and genuine women from around the world that I’ve had the pleasure of discussing everything from creative ruts to craft beers. This type of connection, with other likeminded but different people is what fuels our experiences, our worldview and is invaluable in an industry where competition is abundant and sometimes encouraged. 

These friendships (because they do bloom into a mutual respect and fondness of each other, even if you’ve never met in person), are incredibly important, especially as the world continues to work from home, others are in isolation or lockdown and we are separated from so much human interaction in can be damaging to one’s mental health. It is these fostered relationships that help us overcome so many hurdles, simply through talking or knowing that someone else is experiencing the same thing and that we are not alone. The designer/entrepreneur life can be a lonely one without a pandemic getting in the way, so our internet friends are possibly the only ones who understand our situations and feelings. 

A community builds you up, it spurs you on and should inspire you to consistently improve. It’s a safe place of genuine care and respect filled with avid supporters who all want the same thing. To create a life they love, for themselves. 

On top of all of that, who are you going to send funny design memes to? Who is going to understand your client troubles? Who is going to help you decipher a brief? Who can double check a new resource you’re putting out into the world? There is an immeasurable number of benefits to having an engaged, supportive community at your fingertips and if you are lucky enough to be a part of one – don’t take it for granted. 

Third Ginger Studio has such an amazing community behind it and it’s one that I’ve worked hard to foster. The studio’s values are centred around honesty and connection. And it is now these values which are shining through in the people that I’ve attracted. It truly is such a special feeling to have the support of people I’ve never met, and they have mine as well. I’ve asked questions, received advice, offered support, talked through big problems and small ones and we’ve all come out stronger on the other side. 


If you want to see what all the fuss is about, jump over to our Instagram or Pinterest and join me! I’d love to see you there. Be sure to reach out if you have any questions or just want to say hi! 


10 design tools I cannot live without.


How to actually rest.