Overcoming self-doubt as a creative business owner.

Self-doubt is a certified business killer and we’ve all been there. Sometimes it’s there, sometimes it’s not and sometimes it sneaks up on you like the murderer in a horror movie. Unfortunately, for a lot of us, especially as creatives, self-doubt is a feeling we know all too well and if we let it, it can lead us down the slippery slope of no return. 

Self-doubt creeps in all forms – from decision paralysis to overthinking. Yes it can be debilitating and you send yourself spiralling and you’re left with nothing but negative thoughts to get you through an extremely long night. The good news? 

You can overcome self-doubt. Or at least learn to not let it consume you. 

Trust me, a chronic over-thinker, probably living with some sort of anxiety, recovering perfectionist who lacks confidence in my own abilities and struggles with indecision, if I can learn how to deal with these moments of pure self-doubt, so can you. And here’s how. 

Before I go on, these are not quick fixes. These take work. Every time self-doubt says hey, you need to do the work. You’re only benefitting yourself at the end of the day. 

01. Mindset 

Change your mindset. Easier said than done and it takes a lot of hard work, because you’re essentially rewiring your brain. You are creating new thought pathways, and that takes time and effort. Firstly, be gentle on yourself and just know that a little bit of work every day creates massive change in the long run. 

Take notice of what triggers these feelings of self-doubt. Notice how it manifests in your body, your thoughts and actions. Notice how you feel. 

Now, do something to change that. Channel those feelings. Or remove yourself from the situation. Sit and meditate with it. Acknowledge it and let it move on. Speak back to it and say no, I don’t believe you, I am good enough. Whatever you can do to break state and realise that these negative thoughts aren’t serving you. 

02. Stop the comparison trap! 

Ugh, the comparison trap. The constant comparison which is so prevalent in our society is a confidence killer. Once again, easier said than done, but just stop comparing yourself to others. You have absolutely no idea what is going on in their lives, their business, their past – nothing. All you can do is focus on yourself, your business, your craft and always try to be better than the day before. 

Take notice of the people or accounts on Instagram or the people you surround yourself with that make you feel shit. Dig a little deeper into your own psyche and figure out why you feel like that. Why are you comparing yourself. What is it about them that makes you insecure? 

And just remember, sometimes the comparison trap is a projection of our own insecurities and pitfalls. 

Now, do something to change it. Unfollow those accounts, remove yourself from those people, limit your contact, limit your screen time on social media. And just remember to run your own race, because you are exactly where you need to be. 

03. Set those goals! 

Big and small – set the goals you want for yourself. Whether in your business or your personal life. Write what you want down. Write those big, audacious goals down on a big piece of paper and hang it up somewhere. Break those goals down into manageable, bite-sized tasks. 

Every time you tick one of them off, that endorphin rush is going to get the blood flowing and you’re going to feel amazing! It’s these little moments that add up to something truly great, and it’s those mini milestones that will help you believe that you are on this journey for a reason, that you are doing what you love to do and will give you the confidence you need to keep going. 

Now go break the hold that self-doubt has over you! 

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” — Van Gogh 


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