Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

The four step formula to conquer your fears.

As a small business owner, you wear all the hats. Every single one of them. From a swanky fedora to a well-worn Akubra, you have no choice but to face the fear and do it anyway. Fears manifest in so many ways and for many different reasons. I’ve felt a lot of fear this year, and here’s why.

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Protecting your energy at all costs.

Being a creative person, sometimes means that you work late at night, or early in the morning. Or have random bursts of energy and inspiration at ridiculous times. Creativity doesn't conform to your standard 9-5.⁠ But just because you're awake, or feeling energised, doesn't mean you should be 'working'. And by that, I mean, answering emails, replying to texts, or feeling the need to reply to every single DM.⁠

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Why are business friends important?

Third Ginger’s entire mission is built around supporting, uplifting and connecting with like-minded passionate women who are creating their own reality. I like to think of the little community we’ve got going as gal pals, but there’s always stuff you don’t want to share online.

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Is vulnerability a weakness?

And when we are all connected and empathetic with one another, we support, hold space for and uplift those in need. That’s what community is all about. That’s what this is all about.

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Stop getting in your own way.

As we near the end of yet another year that has flown by way to quickly, it’s always a great time to stop and reflect on what we’ve accomplished, the opportunities we took and the times where we’ve truly felt so in flow time just stopped.

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