Small business owner affirmations for success.

Business ownership is complex. It’s a tricky road to navigate, especially when you’re not 100% convinced you know what you’re doing.

Affirmations are a great practice to help you ease into your day, your workload, your creative spirit. They are an effective tool, when practised daily and with intention, to helping change your mindset to be more positive and abundant.

I write new affirmations every year. I centre them around the goals I want to achieve, how I want to feel and more importantly, how I want to get there. It’s a form of meditation mixed with manifesting that really dives deep into your psyche and transforms your way of thinking.

Now, this sounds very woo woo – I get it. But what have you got lose by saying a few affirmations before you start your day? Not much.

So, here’s a few to get you started. Feel free to use these or change them up depending on what feels good and right for you in that moment. There’s no wrong or right way of doing this, so be gentle on yourself, take a few deep breaths and just ease into this practice. 

  • I am cultivating the life that I want through smart decision making, following my instincts and trusting the universe.

  • I am a creative being. My creativity courses through me and manifests in more than just physical outcomes.

  • I am building and creating my dream business when I show with purpose, passion, confidence and intention.

  • I am worthy of the success I’m creating for myself. I may not know exactly what to do in every situation, but I trust that my self-belief will empower me.

  • I choose to view my challenges as learning opportunities to reflect and reset and continually evolve.

  • My worth as a creative is not dependent on action. My value is not tied to performance.

  • I value my rest. It is productive and necessary for me to function as a creative spirit. 

I’d love to know how you felt after this practice! Have you been practicising daily? Have you noticed any changes – even minor one’s count!  

I hope you found these useful. I know that including this as part of my daily routine has really helped me stay grounded, creative and goal focused in my business.


The four step formula to conquer your fears.


You f*cked up. Congrats!