Is vulnerability a weakness?

Vulnerability fosters trust. Read that again.

I recently shared a post on Instagram that just said ‘honestly, I’m struggling’. It was a spur of the moment post that I didn’t even think twice about hitting publish on. I wrote it while I was in the middle of a really overwhelming, tired state one weekend where I just wasn’t coping with my workload, with the pressure of being a business owner and with the reality of other personal situations.

I was in tears, on the verge of sobbing. I put my head in my hands, took a few deep breaths in between streams of tears and then wrote the post. It was just a stream of consciousness about how I was feeling in that exact moment. It was real, raw and brutally honest.

And the most unexpected thing happened.

I had an influx of messages, comments, emails from past clients and voice notes from friends all checking in and sharing how they were feeling the exact same. They didn’t know how to express how they were feeling, or if anyone even cared. They thought they were alone.

Know this, you are not alone in how you are feeling. As a business owner, a woman, a person, no matter how complex your feelings might be, you are not alone and there is always someone who can support you.

So, what happened?

I was vulnerable. I let my guard down completely. I let people in and let them see the very unglamorous reality of what life is and can be.

Social media has led us to believe that our lives need to be curated. That what we share has to be the good bits, the ‘perfect’ unattainable reality. It’s all a lie! Share whatever you damn well please. Mic drop.

Sharing the reality of what I was feeling, not a curated ‘emotional’ post, triggered a lot of people because it’s rare to see that type of vulnerability online and to be so open about it. I even had a friend say that they wished they could be as open and honest, not just in their business, but their life!

When you’re vulnerable, people often relate to your struggles. It is these struggles that we can feel in others. We are empathetic to the other person and revel in their ‘bravery’ to share that. It then starts a conversation. It’s almost an invitation for others to speak up and share and try the cathartic experience that is so openly sharing.

Vulnerability fosters trust.
Trust fosters connection.
Connection fosters empathy.

And when we are all connected and empathetic with one another, we support, hold space for and uplift those in need. That’s what community is all about. That’s what this is all about.

A little exercise for you to try today. After reading this, think about your biggest struggle right now. Now, jump online or call a friend (ask if they have the space for you to be vulnerable), and share what you’re dealing with. Share how it’s affecting you emotionally. This isn’t about complaining or whinging, it’s about sharing an emotional burden. See what happens.


Why are business friends important?


Stop getting in your own way.