Why are business friends important?

Freelancing/small business owning can be a lonely road, but it’s not one that needs to be travelled alone. Girlfriends are important, in general. But have you ever considered the importance of having business gal pals? They are such an underestimated part of a business because they offer a unique opportunity that you can’t get anywhere else.

A lot of us (you, if you’re reading this) are proud creative small biz owners. A lot of others don’t necessarily understand the ins and outs of owning a creative business. From the process, to concepts, to marketing and website analytics, it can all be a bit much (unless you have a business coach – go you!). Not having someone that understands the position you’re in, the struggles you’re facing, opportunities or those big wins when you land a dream client, you need someone who just gets it. You know the ones.

They are your business gal pals that are there through thick and thin. To celebrate your wins, lean on nothing is going right or just to talk through ideas. They are the sounding board you need as a freelancer. And as a creative. And as a biz owner. And as a female.

Going through COVID where our businesses were all at very different stages, we able to talk it out, share our frustrations and lean on each other in a time of need, not just as friends lending a sympathetic ear, but as a fellow business owner understanding exactly what you’re going through. It’s in these moments that you realise the importance of having friends like this.

Third Ginger’s entire mission is built around supporting, uplifting and connecting with like-minded passionate women who are creating their own reality. I like to think of the little community we’ve got going as gal pals, but there’s always stuff you don’t want to share online.

I’ve been incredibly blessed in the gal pal department. Two girls I was already friends with, and we all started our businesses within the same year. Having that collaborative process with supportive friends and fellow biz owners especially during such a difficult year as this, has been an absolute lifesaver.

Have a marketing idea? Run it by them. Struggling with paid advertising? Chat through it and see if they have any experience. Just landed a dream client, time to share the good news and celebrate!

Without these two very special women playing an important role in keeping me sane and keeping my business ideas fresh, on brand and relevant has been such an underestimated part of my development and improvement.

I’m forever learning off these two and always thinking of new ideas and ways of working for them and for me.

So, here’s to all the gal pals out there – cheers, you know who you are!

— K


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