Anyone else having an identity crisis?

Being a business owner comes with a set of challenges that while articulated extensively, can’t really be solved or taught. The challenges are as individual as we are. The difficulties arise and are based on our own bias’, personal experiences and mindset.

Sometimes, as a business owner, it’s hard to know who you are outside of that business, especially if it’s a creative one.

I recently had someone ask me what hobbies I have. I almost laughed out loud! My hobbies are designing for fun, painting, drawing, photography etc – but they’re all elements of my business as well. I struggle to separate my business mindset to my hobby mindset.

Business Brain

I’ve got business brain literally 24/7. It’s hard to switch off. So how can I identify myself outside of something that is so consuming?

Aside from that identity crisis, I’ve also been working through a lot of personal development and trying to shift old ways and unlearn a lot of embedded knowledge.That in itself is it’s own realisation about so many parts of me that have recently been uncovered.

While these two sides of me are colliding, I still have a business to run, friends and family commitments, a social life and so much more. So now what?

This is my commitment, not just to myself, but to you, dear reader, because you are who I need to show up for. You are the reason I’m questioning so many parts of who I am (in a good way!) I will be:

  • Taking notice of the things that light me up from the inside. What happens when I do something I love? How can I do more of it?

  • Making a conscious effort to take breaks and step away from my business.

  • Outsourcing the tasks I no longer have capacity, or mental space, to do.

  • Noticing my thoughts. What internal dialogue do I have around certain things/activities?

  • Trying to figure out who the f*ck I am outside of the perceived category I’ve put myself into.

It’s okay if things change. It’s okay if I contradict myself. It’s okay if I want to change it up and do things different on the daily.

The key takeaway from this should be:

It’s never too late to realise who you truly want to be and begin living that life.

It’s being at crossroads like these that truly show you who you are and set your future course – which is pretty exciting!


The four crucial elements to telling your unique brand story.


Are you stuck in a slow season?