Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

You are getting in the way of your own success.

Creating a brand is more than a DIY logo from Canva, or purchasing templates. Crafting the right brand involves a deep understanding of your audience, knowing what makes you different and stand out, being conscious of and living out your values across every touchpoint and being consistent across your language, messaging and design.

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

The honest truth? I’ve failed, a lot.

TGS is almost 4 years old. And turns out, you can never really know everything there is to know about running a business. And just when you think you've got it all figured out, surprise, the little back to reality nudge is a very humbling experience.

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Business Kaitlyn Durgali Business Kaitlyn Durgali

How losing followers actually helped my business.

While I'll never truly know the exact reasons for losing followers (no posting consistently, not prioritising video, the algorithm, etc) it's most likely because that rapid increase of people following my account meant that they weren't actually engaged (or real) followers.

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

I was scared of $13.

But what was happening instead? I was painstakingly trying to create systems using other apps so I could schedule 2 weeks worth of content. It was taking me a lot longer, it was stressful because I had stuff everywhere across two computers and my phone and it was so unorganised.

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Business Kaitlyn Durgali Business Kaitlyn Durgali

Lies I was told about running a business.

Instead of telling you all the things that you should be doing in your business, I'm going to share a few unrealistic expectations that have been put on me and TGS over the years and why we're no longer telling ourselves those stories, and why neither should you.

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Business Kaitlyn Durgali Business Kaitlyn Durgali

Mindset shifts you can steal.

You know that you create your own reality, right? Like, you’re in charge of everything that you want to happen? You’re the decider of your mindset and our mindsets are the most powerful tool we have in our business toolkit and is also the most overlooked.

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Rejection is redirection.

Fast forward two weeks after the proposal was sent, the client came back to us and said the quote was too expensive. And they wanted additional scope to be included, but also wanted us to reduce the price.

The client had lied about the budget available and wanted a full brand strategy, identity and collateral for less than what we were charging when TGS first started.

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