You are getting in the way of your own success.

This is going to be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s one you need to hear.

We've had so many business owners say

  • "I'm scared to rebrand"

  • "What if no one recognises my business"

  • "What if I lose clients”

  • “I’ve put so much time into this brand, isn’t rebranding going to undo it all?”

There's no bigger threat to your business than stagnating. There's no bigger threat to your business than limiting your potential. There's no bigger threat than letting your own insecurities or fears get in the way of your business.

As a business owner, our brands and business are so intertwined with our personal identities. We essentially become our business. We put our hearts and souls into everything we do, lovingly craft a brand that we feel is aligned, and attach our worth to the success of our businesses.

And here comes the mic drop…

Your brand is not about you.

It’s not about your favourite colour. It’s not about your personal design preferences. It’s not about what you think will resonate with your audience. It’s not about what you represents your brand the most. It’s a fine line between injecting your personal ideas and preferences into your brand presence and creating a brand that accurately represents your business as a whole, with the intention of resonating with and building an emotional connection with your dream audience.

Creating a brand is more than a DIY logo from Canva, or purchasing templates.

Crafting the right brand involves a deep understanding of your audience, knowing what makes you different and stand out, being conscious of and living out your values across every touchpoint and being consistent across your language, messaging and design.

As humans, its in our nature to have bias’. Our bias’ impact our view of the world, how we approach challenges and how we show up. They’re a combination of our lived experiences up to this very point and they can be really hard to navigate when it comes to something we haven’t yet experienced yet. They get in the way, but it’s our subconscious trying to protect us.

Working with clients at so many different stages of their businesses, we hear all of the reasonings. At the end of the day, investing in your business is essentially investing in you, and it’s a scary thought to back ourselves 100%. You are taking a risk. But it’s a risk that can’t really go wrong.

So, next time you’re in two minds about rebranding and you’re coming up against the same conversations in your head about why you shouldn’t invest in a brand, just ask yourself, why am I holding myself back? Do I not believe I can do this? Why am I stunting my businesses growth, and effectively my own success and future?

Because, I’ve been there, as a business owner, as a woman, as an individual just trying to create something I’m passionate about, and it’s terrifying to think of all the things you could do. You just need to say ‘why not’, then jump head first into the deep end.


Inconsistency is killing your business + freebie!


The honest truth? I’ve failed, a lot.