Rejection is redirection.

At what point does a rejection become a good thing in your business (and in life)? Is a rejection a a chance for redirection?

At the end of 2021, we had a enquiry come through from a business based overseas. It sounded and looked like a dream client at face value. They had a successful business that was just getting bigger, the budget to spend and were super responsive on emails and sounded incredibly keen to work with Third Ginger Studio.

We had an initial discovery call, multiple emails back and forth getting the scope just right, sent out a proposal with two quotes to reflect their investment. We went all in, in the hopes of securing this client - because they looked great on paper!

Fast forward two weeks after the proposal was sent, the client came back to us and said the quote was too expensive. And they wanted additional scope to be included, but also wanted us to reduce the price.

The client had lied about the budget available and wanted a full brand strategy, identity and collateral for less than what we were charging when TGS first started.

We knew the decision we had to make, but also new that was going to be a really tough conversation.

We wrote back and had to say no to working with the client. They were angry and had some really negative things to say about TGS, how we work and how expensive we were.

It was, in all honesty, quite deflating. It was horrible to not just receive messages like that, but to also feel like you’ve let someone down.

But, we had to remove the emotion out of it and make a business decision, not an emotionally led decision.

A week after that, an enquiry landed in our inbox for a new business, run by a mother and daughter duo. They wanted the works and approved the proposal the same day. The same freakin’ day!

That client ended up being a 6 month long project. They were an absolute dream. And continue to be.

If we had compromised our values and caved to an angry client, we would’ve never had had the chance to work with such an incredible duo who filled our cup and the project was by far a stand out in our work to date.

So, there you go. Rejection really is redirection. Never mourn the things that passed you by. They clearly weren’t meant for you, and there was something better around the corner, you just can’t see it yet.


Mindset shifts you can steal.


Stop attracting what’s not meant for you.