Inconsistency is killing your business + freebie!

Mic drop incoming…

Your inconsistency is killing your business.

I see you. Don’t try and hide. I know what you’re doing just to get that post out, to write that blog, to send something to a client.

And guess what, it’s killing your business.

A consistent brand…

  • Helps to build trust and credibility with your audience

  • Reinforces brand recognition

  • Establishes a strong business reputation

  • Builds a sense of unity and cohesion across platforms

  • Helps to convey your brand’s message effectively

When you have multiple platforms (Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, website, emails, print collateral) that all look and sound different, you’re doing a disservice to your business. You’re diluting your message and making your brand look unprofessional.


At the most basic level, you should be able to identify

  • At least 3 colours that you use consistently

  • At least 2-3 fonts for your brand visuals

  • A clear logo hierarchy (primary, secondary and brand mark)

  • A set of stock images that work with your offering

Social Media

For your socials, you should have

  • A set of social templates that keep your feed consistent

  • A clear bio that outlines exactly what you do and who you do it for

  • Consistent colour usage

  • Consistent font usage

  • Relevant stock images

  • Consistent tone of voice and language


Your website should have

  • Consistent colour usage

  • Consistent font usage

  • Relevant stock images that work with your offering

  • Clear messaging that aligns to your brand values

  • Consistent tone of voice and language

There’s no right or wrong way to run your business dear business owner, so this Brand Audit is totally free and is absolutely self-guided. There’s prompts on the most relevant items from each category that are common pain points for all clients, so these will guide you in the right direction.

It’s still too overwhelming and you have no idea where to go from here? We’ve got a brand new offering… Get in touch to find out more about our Brand Audit service and how we can help you go from that brand, to that brand.

Can’t wait to hear from you!


The half-yearly business reset + sharing our goals!


You are getting in the way of your own success.