I was scared of $13.

I was scared of $13 😱

Everytime you don't do something, or put something off, or avoid something, you are making a decision, even if you think you aren't.

Not making a decision, is making a decision.

A very minor example, but I've was umming and ahhing about paying for Planoly for months. Why? Because I didn't know if it would be worth the $13 month 🙄

But what was happening instead? I was painstakingly trying to create systems using other apps so I could schedule 2 weeks worth of content. It was taking me a lot longer, it was stressful because I had stuff everywhere across two computers and my phone and it was so unorganised.

It was incredibly ineffective, and my time equated to a lot more than a $13 monthly subscription.

I thought I was just not making the decision to pay for the service, but in actual fact, I was making the decision to make my life 10x harder, without it needing to be.

get your life back.

Business owner, let me tell you, you have a to do list a mile long, and it’s just not an effective use of your time if you’re worrying about silly little tasks that aren’t worth it.

Here’s a few steps that I’ve taken to help me overcome those moments of indecision.

  1. If it’s causing you frustration, outsource it. I outsource my accounting, I have subscriptions (like Planoly and Flodesk) that schedule and automate processes and content so it’s a set and forget kinda thing.

  2. If you procrastinate on it, find a new way of doing things. Find a fresh perspective, research how others do it and use that as a starting point to refine and evolve your own process.

  3. If you’re not sure, write a pros and cons list. Grab a pen and paper (go old school!) and map it out. This always helps me to get out of my own head and work through my indecision.

If you can’t outsource it, the best advice I can give you is to simplify it and make it fun!

I guess, the lesson here is to just make the decision. Whatever it is. Whatever serves you most. Because, rest assured that my sanity was worth a lot more than $13...


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