Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Imposter syndrome cost me thousands of dollars.

I had this overwhelming sense of well why should I be charging $10k for a client project? There’s so many other people out there that know more than I do, that are better than me and that who deserve to be earning that much.

It feels like I shouldn't be, because who the hell am I to tell you about imposter syndrome. I'm no expert. Of course I'm not. I'm just a business gal with a whole lot self doubt who feels the same way you do.

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Brand Kaitlyn Durgali Brand Kaitlyn Durgali

Four reasons why DIY will kill your business.

Your logo and brand are an extension of your business. They shouldn’t be an afterthought. And they definitely shouldn’t be DIY’ed if it can be helped! A lot of start-ups don't have the budget for a total brand package, and that is absolutely okay! Everyone starts somewhere! But when you're a few years in, it's time to reconsider your DIY logo for four crucial reasons.

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

Why you should trust Third Ginger Studio with your brand.

Your brand (and business) is more than just a pretty logo! A soul-led, strategy driven brand is about capturing the very essence of who you are and transforming it into an actionable, usable method.

I can go on forever and ever about how important it is to have a strategic brand identity, to fully know and understand who your business is and who your ideal client is!

I see so many business owners abandoning their brand because they want to grow and expand their business first (you might not even get there without some serious strategy behind it!)

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Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali Mindset Kaitlyn Durgali

The four step formula to conquer your fears.

As a small business owner, you wear all the hats. Every single one of them. From a swanky fedora to a well-worn Akubra, you have no choice but to face the fear and do it anyway. Fears manifest in so many ways and for many different reasons. I’ve felt a lot of fear this year, and here’s why.

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