Ashleigh Boehm

project details

Brand identity
custom collateral

Ashleigh Boehm is a holistic transformation expert, working with the head (mindset) the heart (emotions) and the human (the body).

A master NLP coach and an eating psychology practitioner, Ashleigh combines powerful teachings in nutrition coaching with eating psychology, helping women exit the chronic diet cycle, reconnect with their bodies and start to eat like a woman who loves herself!

She supports women achieving their best body (not their dream body).



the brief

Ashleigh knew her business was at a point where she needed it to grow and work for her. Struggling to move forward on game-changing products and offerings, she recognised that she felt limited by her pieced together, semi-DIY brand that no longer resonated with who she was as a person.

Ashleigh had matured and her business evolved, she needed to redefine her personal brand to take it to the next level. Understanding her oversaturated industry, there was an inherent need to be different, to stand out and to make sure her audience felt welcomed, energised and supported.


Working collaboratively, we uncovered where the true magic, her point of difference was and capitalised on her fun, outgoing, personal brand as the shining star for her new identity. Ashleigh understood her ideal audience and how she wanted them to feel, and it was a natural progression from there.

A key theme that came through the brand exploration was the balance of masculine and feminine and how both are needed to truly embody Ashleigh’s teachings. Landing on this visual identity, the balance comes through in the fonts and colours, visually articulating the brand essence. An effortless transition, this new brand completely embodies Ashleigh as a person and her business, and will continue to evolve as she does.


Kate Eloise Celebrant