I haven’t been listening to my own advice.

I lied. I've been lying.

I've gone against everything I believe in. My personal values, my business values. I thought that by doing this thing I would be putting myself in a better position to receive clients, increase my prices and grow TGS.

I thought it was one tiny little thing that no one would even question. But this one little thing was actually holding me back.

Here's the truth.

I'm not more than one person. I'm just a solo business owner. I've been using 'we' for years trying to make TGS look bigger, better, more capable, more impressive, hoping it'll come across that TGS is more 'established' than what it is.

I recently finished my own brand strategy and I realised that by trying to appear bigger, better, more established, I was not being true to who I am or what my experience is right now. I wasn't being authentic or intentional. I was lying to a whole audience of people — no wonder why my engagement dropped and my audience stopped responding to my content...

My content felt forced. I felt like I was lying (probs because I was a little). It definitely didn't come from an aligned state. It didn't feel good. It didn't feel like me. And that's not who I am.

I don't have a team. I have a select few contractors that I work with as needed. I don't have "$10k months" (which is not a measure of success btw, so let's stop using it as one). I am one person. Just lil' old me who is so incredibly passionate about brands and the people behind them, giving people a purpose and helping them build something that serves people, that helps them live the life they want. Because that's what I want for myself. I'm helping people build the life they want while creating the life I want. It's a beautiful cyclical cycle and I'm here for it!

People want to see real. They want vulnerability.

They want something tangible that they can relate to. It's not about how 'big' you can seem, it's about how you can continually serve your audience in the most honest and true way possible.

It's about how your audience resonates and connects to what you're sharing. What I've learnt is this — people love people. People crave connection. They crave relationships and building meaningful lives.

By using 'we', I was going against the very advice I give my clients. I always tell them "Don't be afraid to be you. That's what makes you special. Share that with the world! Don't worry about what the gurus tell you to do. They are not you and you are not them."

And in going against my own advice, I realised how detrimental it is to not trust yourself.

So, please, learn from my mistakes and if you take one thing away from this blog — make sure you do you.


You think branding is expensive. Well, it is.


What am I doing wrong?