The biggest lessons from owning a business?

Well, let me just preface this post by saying, Holy Moly and the Crackers (they’re a band, check them out!), it’s been more than two years since I started Third Ginger Studio!

Excuse me while I do a little happy dance and crack open a bottle of champagne and celebrate all the beautiful women I’ve had the pleasure of working with and who have supported me. Ah, feeling the love!

So today, I’m sharing all the good stuff I’ve learnt in my business over this last year of growth…

Connection is key

A core value of TGS is connection. Without connection, owning a business really wouldn’t be worth it for me. I’ve made deep, lasting friendships with so many incredible women simply through Instagram and even with my own clients. It’s that mutual respect and shared love for our businesses, that has fuelled international friendships, sparked ideas and helped make plans to one day meet in person!

Without connection, we are single beings floating out in space, without a tether. The connections I’ve made and the friendships I’ve built have helped keep me grounded, sane and most of all, inspired.

Having a community of like-minded female business owners, has helped me grow as an individual, a creative and a business owner and has gotten me through some tough times in my biz. Through self-doubt, overwhelm and when everything seems to being going wrong, this strong and uplifting community always pull through and make me realise how special we all are and the importance of what we each bring to the table.

Embrace the challenges

It’s easy to run for the hills when things get a little bit hard, but not this gal, not this year! I’d be lying if I said I never fantasised about just leaving it all behind and hoping the problems would sort themselves out, or that my content would magically create itself, or wishing I could have a dedicated team to help me. The challenges this year have been plentiful and come with varying degrees of difficulty.

From over-booking myself and taking on way more than I can handle, to launching a digital product and now, tackling new offerings for my clients, it’s been a whirlwind. Through each challenge though, I’ve learnt how to buckle up and knuckle down and do the work. I’ve learnt about myself at each step of the way. I’ve learnt more about my clients than I ever would’ve.

Embracing the challenges have left me feeling depleted of energy at times, but after it’s over, I'm reinvigorated and full of life and ready to step into the next version of myself. 2020 taught me to be resilient despite everything I was facing. 2021 taught me how to overcome difficulties and embrace the challenge.

Invest, invest, invest

2021 has been a massive year of growth for TGS, in all aspects, and it comes down to investing. I’ve taken a lot of chances and invested a lot of not only money, but also time into my business. From group coaching to more streamlined processes, I’ve done a lot to improve my business from an admin side, but also my client experience.

Investing is scary and it can be an overwhelming prospect to be handing over a lot of money with no real guarantee of the results you’re going to get. But I’d be a hypocrite if I told you, dear business owner, to invest if I didn’t myself.

This year alone I have invested in

  • group coaching

  • 1:1 marketing intensive with Betsy & Francis (highly recommend!)

  • Strategy Simplified course from South Co Studio (also amazing!)

  • email marketing

  • paid advertising

  • networking events

  • time spent on launching digital products

  • upskilling on website design

  • new technology and software

  • a strategic rebrand for TGS

  • and more!

So, even through all of this, I’ve managed to have a huge year of growth and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Rest is productive

Let me repeat that. REST IS PRODUCTIVE. You are allowed to take a break. Scratch that - you deserve to take a break. This has been a major lesson for me and after how hectic 2021 has been, plus all the challenges and setbacks, I’ve always taken time out for myself. Even if it is just 20mins to do a workout or simply sit outside in the sun, I’ve listened to my brain and body and have recognised the signs of when I need to take a step back.

It has done wonders for my mental health and clarity, my overall wellbeing, my productivity and creativity. It has taught me that rest is productive. Your business will always be there, the challenges will never cease to exist and your audience is still going to be ready to listen to you. It’s more about approaching your business with a clear head and showing up as your best, and most excited self.

Owning a business shouldn’t be difficult every single day. You should enjoy it, after all, most of us started our business because we were passionate about something, right. And if it’s not bringing you joy, then it’s time to consider your options.

If you have no idea where to start on how to give yourself a little break, use my tips of using your love language to show yourself some self-love and care.

Get a good accountant

Find an accountant who knows your creative business, understands your goals, who will answer your questions and be honest with you. Finances are a tricky thing (for me anyway!) and having a good accountant that I can speak to is life changing as a business owner.

And there you have it! They are the top five things that my business has taught me this year and looking back, it’s been a wild ride getting here, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Tell me, what has been the biggest lesson you’ve taken from your business this year?


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