Five benefits of a beautiful brand.

We are in the business of branding. While branding is more than just the visuals, it does help when it’s nice to look at.

Your brand is the outer shell that houses the squishy, meaty, nitty gritty parts of your business. It’s the shiny, pearlescent exterior that catch your customer’s eye. It’s what draws them in, first and foremost.

We just have to say, a beautiful brand that actually resonates with your audience is rooted in the foundations of yes, brand strategy, or as we like to call it, your brand blueprint.

The brand blueprint captures the true essence of your business — your story, goals, vision, dream clients, position and more. It’s encompasses everything your business was, is and will be. It’s then distilled into a series of intentional visuals that attract and convert your ideal audience.

So why is your brand important?

Make your brand work for you

While your business is a labour of love, your brand doesn’t have to be! An intentional, soul-infused brand does the hard work for you. It should be recognised as undeniably you. Your audience will know your content as they scroll social media. Your audience will read your captions and will be able to feel how you’re feeling. Your audience will know, like and trust your business.

Stand out from the crowd

This is the biggest challenge for 100% of businesses that choose to work with Third Ginger Studio. Each and every client has stated that they have trouble standing out from their competitors. Some clients have even said that businesses in their industry are unrecognisable from each other and they all blend into one big beige mess. Working with us, to create a brand that feels like you is the key to not blending in.

Humanising your business

A brand does more than just set you apart from your competitors. It has the ability to humanise your business. Humans crave human connection, and creating a brand with soul is the fast track to attracting, resonating with and converting your ideal audience. Give them a reason to keep coming back to you and you alone.


Let’s be real, investing in your brand identity proves to your audience that you take your business seriously. If it’s worth your time and money, then your product/service is worth theirs. An intentional brand from the outside feels considered and worthy of attention. This ramps up your trust factor, allowing your audience to feel connected to you.

Show up as the expert

A subsequent result of standing out from the crowd, having a great brand allows you to show up as the expert in your niche/industry. Showing up consistently with advice, tips, insider knowledge reminds your audience that you are at the top of your game. That you are the industry leader. This builds connection and trust, warming your audience up to choose you over a competitor.

In order to not be left behind in a very visuals driven world, you need to start with your brand. Your brand strategy and identity will set your business up for success.


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