What does it mean to be a *good* business owner?

Will I ever know?

There are so many ways to own and run a business. It’s no easy feat (and whoever says otherwise is lying). But I’ve been struggling with the idea recently of am I a good business owner? Do I do the right things? Do I make the right decisions? Am I showing up in the best way possible?

How could I possibly know any of this?

I’ve worked in businesses where the business owner is acting poorly. Isn’t showing the right type of leadership. Is making decisions I disagree with.

But how would I know if I’m doing the same thing?

What I’ve learnt, coming up to 5 years of TGS is that if you’re making a decision from the right place, then it’s the right decision. If you’re acting authentically, from a place of intention, from a good headspace and positive mindset, then you’re probably bang on.

Soul-led, authentic personal brands are the brands of 2024. These are the brands that will get traction. These are the ones that people want to engage with and connect to. Personal brands that lead with their values are some of the most undeniable, truly present brands that don’t just serve their audience, but create an undeniable experience. They are a force to be reckoned with - in their own unique way.

To be a good business owner, means to make decisions, act and show up in a way that feels true to you. Your brand and business is an extension of you and that’s more important than doing things just to fit in or not rock the boat.

Rock the damn boat. You can be a good business owner and still serve people in the right way.

This is all just an attitude. A mindset. It’s a way of being that shows through your in brand. And I create the brand that gives you the platform to become ‘that brand’ — the one everyone wants to be apart of.

In all of my years, I’ve seen businesses fail because they scramble. They become desperate. They start operating out of fear, out of scarcity. They fall out alignment with their purpose and intentions and become frantic, seeking the best solution when there’s no right solutions.

These people are detractors. They’re not expanders. They’re the people that jump ship when things get tough. That don’t stay the course. That don’t see it through and therefore don’t reap the rewards that wait for them.

Nothing good comes from easy and nothing easy is good.

So, I guess, in all of that, what I’m saying is this:

There’s no one single answer to what being a good business owner looks like. It’s about being true to you, what you want and being honest in your intentions and brand, leading with your values and a soul-aligned approach.

I can help you get there.

Can't wait to see your name in my inbox,

Kaitlyn x


She’s not different.


You think branding is expensive. Well, it is.