Here’s our top six podcasts for creative business owners.

When I started Third Ginger Studio, I was living and breathing as much information about starting and maintaining a business. From finances to branding and all things in between, I needed (wanted) to know everything. Now, I am not the type to just say yes, dive straight in and ask questions later. So, I planned and prepped, listened and learnt and had all my ginger ducks in a cute little row before I made a move. 

How did I consume all of this juicy content? Podcasts. I have an hour long drive to and from work and podcasts were a lifesaver. I would be listening then telling Siri to make notes about how I can apply whatever it was to my business. My notes were brimming with lessons! 

So, I thought I would share some that I’ve found so useful. I am always on the hunt for more, and I will update this list as I find some good ones. 

From me to you, here are the podcasts that I could not have started Third Ginger Studio without. 

Have you got any good podcasts hidden up your sleeve? Be sure to let me know in the comments! 


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The positivity loop.