5 quick website fixes you can do while you drink a coffee.

Your website is your business’ digital home. This is an important platform for brand awareness, clarity and it’s the highest point of conversion for your business.

We all want a more professional, cohesive and stand-out website, so here’s five quick fixes you can make right now to enhance your website!

Browser Images

Up first, your favicon or browser image. This is the little logo/icon that appears at the top of your browser window. If you don’t have one, it shows up as a little grey world icon. Every touchpoint of your brand needs to be considered - even one as small as your favicon.

This can be a little icon or version of your logo or a bold graphic in your brand colours that will stand out and instantly recognisable.

Custom URLs

Not only great for SEO, but you need to customise your URL slugs. This is where you have your main URL and the page titles after the /. No idea what I’m talking about? Look at the URL of this page. See how it says thirdgingerstudio.com.au/five-quick--website-fixes? The URL slug is /five-quick-website-fixes.

This tells Google what your page is about and will rank higher because it contains relevant keywords that are directly related to your content.

About Page

Your customer wants to know about YOU. In this social age, your customers have become savvy shoppers with a wealth of products and similar services to compare against. One unique aspect that every business has is their story. A compelling story is the very essence of your business and audiences love getting to know the story behind it.

Sharing your story and letting them know about you, builds trust and proves that there is a human on the other end of it. It’s that human connection that is so crucial. So, it’s time to re-write that about page and share a pic or two of you!


Of course this is on the list! A consistent brand across your website and social media platforms are key to building brand awareness and instilling trust with your audience. Even without having invested in an intentional, strategic brand identity, you can still maintain consistency through

  • Fonts

  • Colours

  • Image style

  • Headings

  • Tone of voice/language

Ensuring these are the same across your website will lead to greater brand recognition.


And leading on from consistent branding are using high quality images. Even if you’re a service based business, using stock images or investing in professional imagery is a must. Pixelated, blurry or just low quality images will look unprofessional and will lack the refinement your brand deserves.

Just because they need to be high quality, doesn’t mean they need to be a large file size, this will slow down your page load time which is a big no-no.

Do you need a custom solution to your website? Get in touch and let’s chat about it!


Five things you need to know about your business before investing in branding.


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