Stop attracting what’s not meant for you.

Do you attract all the things that you believe aren’t meant for you? What about when you experience something and you’re confused as to why it happened to you? Do you blame external forces and take zero responsibility for situations you’re dealing with?

Sorry to break it to you, but there’s a good chance it’s your own internal world that is influencing your external world. Now, this might get a bit woo woo for some, but we believe that your life is mostly in your control. You have the power to influence the things you attract, the things you perceive and the opportunities that gravitate towards you.

There are going to be times when unexpected and shitty things happen that are totally out of your control, but we like to think of these as times you need to learn from. The way we grow and evolve as people and business owners, is by constantly learning from less than ideal situations and experiences.

With every thought, either consciously or subconsciously, you are creating your future.

Just like in life, your business is in a constant state of creation. You are in a constant state of creation. There is no beginning, middle or end. You’re always in this state. But can you harness it?

Of course you can!

This is called the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that states that you attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give and focus your energy and attention on is what will find it’s way back to you.

If you focus on abundance and show gratitude for the things you do have (even if it’s not 100% what you want it to be), you will begin automatically attractive more positive things into your life. If you centre and focus on the negativity and become consumed with thoughts of what you don’t have and what you’re lacking in your life, then the Law of Attraction states that you will attract even more negativity.

There’s so much more that sits under the umbrella of attraction and we encourage everyone to continue digging and learning more about how the energy you send out, the thoughts you have and the way you show up in your life continues to multiply. It’s a powerful tool, that once it’s become a subconscious practice, your life will change in positive and unexpected ways!

Applying it as a business owner

As business owners, we understand that there is always an ebb and flow to our work. It’s easy to begin focusing on all the things you don’t have yet, especially when your client work is slow or your revenue is down for the month.

Instead of focusing on your lack, put your energy towards abundance. What are the things in your life that you do have? What’s the positive impact your business has on your community? How can you show up in a vulnerable way, that sparks meaningful and resonating conversation? What are the things you’re most grateful for right now?

It’s hard to show up every day, especially with a positive attitude when things feel tough. We’re not saying that running a business is sunshine and rainbows day in day out, because it’s most certaintly not. It’s ok to be annoyed, frustrated, angry, deflated etc but it’s more important to acknowledge how you’re feeling and move past those emotions.

Sitting in negativity will produce more negativity.

Same goes for service based businesses wanting to attract a certain type of client. We’ve seen other businesses complain on social media, about their clients, about their situation, about the weather, about their life and the list goes on! In all honesty, it’s always turned us off a little, because why would you want to showcase a side of you/your business that is negative and seemingly difficult?

When we’ve experienced difficult times, we like to turn it on it’s head and show up for our feelings and other people that might be feeling the same way. We acknowledge and validate, but then we move on. Our ideal client is people like us. They’re positive, encouraging, supportive, hard working, passionate, happy-go-lucky people that resonate with the story we’re telling about Third Ginger Studio and the life we’re creating.

The story we tell on social media, supports the type of people we’re wanting to attract. That’s the way we’ve always done business and the way we’ll continue doing it. Because like attracts like and we’re building a strong community of women that love what they do.

So, always remember that what you radiate outwards in your thoughts, feelings, words and actions, is what you attract back into your life. Next time you catch yourself thinking in a lack mindset, flip it on it’s head and think abundance.


Rejection is redirection.


Do you believe your business will succeed?