Have you fallen out of love with your business?

Some business owners use rebranding as a way to fall back in love with their business.

You might fall in love with the way your business looks but will still feel less than passionate about the day to day work. Putting a band aid (in this case, redesigning) over major problems in your business will not work. They never do. So, stop considering a rebrand to fix all your business problems. You have to do the work.

Why have you fallen out of love with your business?

Your values aren't aligned anymore.

You might've started your business a few years ago and now you're surprised that you and your business are no longer besties. Well, that's because you've most likely grown as a person and haven't re-evaluated your business goals, values and it's been left behind. You're feeling unmotivated, stressed and overwhelmed and have no idea where to start.

Everything has become a chore.

From social media, to replying to customer enquiries, to showing up 100% everyday you're just not feeling it. It feels like a drag. You don't want to do anything because it feels so hard. Feeling like this is such a detriment to your business because it removes the possibility of growth and transformation, which is exactly what needs to happen to get out of this funk.

You have zero expectations.

You have subconsciously lowered the expectations on yourself to the point that every single touchpoint for your business begins to suffer. Your clients notice, your team/employees notice, you notice. When you're just not feeling it anymore, it's evident to the rest of your community, affecting your reputation, your brand, your clients and your continued growth.

There's been no growth.

Even if you're still putting in 100% and working hard for your business, you're just not seeing results. You feel stagnant and burnt out and don't know the next steps. You're done trying so hard. You're done with it all. This causes you to resent your business and concerned about the future.

There's always a silver lining! If you're at this point, then it's time to mix things up! Simply rebranding won't do the trick. You need to invest in brand strategy - a blueprint for your business. You need to completely overhaul your business and this gives you the foundation to do that.

The Brand Blueprint (aka brand strategy document) is a comprehensive document that outlines the foundation of your brand, including:

  1. A deep dive into the psyche of your audience

  2. Competitor analysis and your opportunities

  3. Those big goals and dreams

  4. Your mission, core values, tone of voice and approach

  5. Brand positioning

  6. Marketing position

  7. and more!

The Brand Blueprint works to ensure that:

  1. Your business opportunities are recognised

  2. Your business has a clear direction

  3. Your purpose is front of mind

  4. Increased brand awareness is front of mind

  5. You are effectively targeting and resonating with your dream audience

  6. You are making decisions with purpose and intention

  7. An undeniable brand presence is created

  8. You feel confident in your business

Strategy identifies and exploits problem areas that can be solved by design, creating a clear direction for the future of your business. Your brand strategy will abolish any out of love, overwhelmed, stagnant feelings that have taken root.

Now is the time to invest in you. We can't wait to hear from you! Get in touch.


The positivity loop.


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