Bad for business. Five red flags and how to avoid them.

It can be so easy to fall into the trap of a beautiful looking business that looks great from the outside. But the more you get to know them, the more you interact, or even purchase, you realise they’re not who you thought they were. Just as in dating and where people have red flags, businesses have them too!

As a studio, we’ve worked with so many businesses and lucky us, they’ve all been amazing (because they’re backed by amazing people). In saying that, we’ve also learnt the telltale signs of a not so ideal business. 

So here’s our top five red flags to watch out for.

Not replying to emails!

Communication is key in any successful partnership or collaboration. It’s crucial that communication is not just happening, but it’s also done in a timely manner, is constructive and aims to keep the project or task moving.

Don’t be too hard on people though, you never know what’s going on in the background and how that might be impacting their response times. 

Say they’re going to do something by a certain date then don’t

Another red flag is the inability to show up and do something when needed - especially when a project needs to be moved along. It’s this lack of consistency that is a major red flag, and that can come across as a lack of care for you and the success of their business.

Difficulty handling difficult communication

Coming straight back to communication! When something goes wrong or isn’t done right (no matter who is at fault), they get aggressive and negative which can be really intimidating. It’s poor form to treat anyone like that, let alone your customers/other business owners!

We should always be treating people with respect and seeking to understand the other’s situation first, before making assumptions or judgements.

Is constantly changing their mind/opinions

Another element of poor communication is constantly changing their mind or opinions. It’s a lack of consistency that can throw people off and is really hard to keep track of. This can show up in many different ways. From changing their mind about a colour palette, to completely going back on everything that was previously agreed upon.

Not-so-seamless client experience

And last but not least, they lack the structures for a seamless client experience - your experience! For example, lacking a customer service team/individual that can actually help you or having an inconsistent onboarding process that leaves you more confused than before. Having the appropriate systems in place mean that you won’t even question purchasing from or working with that business again!

Every business, at one point or another will have at least one red flag. It’s inevitable, but it’s okay! As long as businesses learn, grow and evolve from their mistakes and past mediocre experiences.

As business owners, it can be really hard to be on top of absolutely everything. You wear all the hats! So, if there’s one thing you can take from this list, is that communication and consistency are the most important aspects to ensuring your business doesn’t have any major red flags.

What’s the one thing you always notice about other businesses that is an immediate red flag?


Have you fallen out of love with your business?


Using a value ladder to price your services.