Clients always tell me "I want to stand out". Well, of course you do. But how?

I've always struggled with two sides of myself.

One side is…

  1. confident when showing up for my goals

  2. comfortable with my skillset and knowing my worth

  3. always backing myself

And the other side is…

  1. filled with self-doubt

  2. lacking confidence

  3. scared to fail

I'm sure you've felt the same and it's a hard one to navigate when you're a business owner, running your own show, possibly working on the side to substitute your income, family, friends, social life and all the facets that make you, you.

I find these opposing sides of myself more often than not show up when I'm trying to live my life in one way that's aligned to my goals and my future and then the other, more realistic side that I have to live to show up for my dream life. It gives me paralysing self-doubt and it does stop me from doing things I know I should be doing.

But here's what I've learnt and it's been enlightening to say the least. You don't have to wait until you feel unshakeably confident and fearless to do that thing you've been avoiding. You don't have to lean into one side more than the other.

These two seemingly opposing forces can actually coexist. And the best bit? It shapes a unique experience for you and you alone, shaping a truly authentic (and resilient) you. Embracing both sides of you is so powerful. More powerful than you realise.

Not taking an action is an action.

All that magic, all those dreams that you have are just waiting there, ready for the taking. The power to initiate change in your life starts with accepting both sides and using that to fuel your actions. Remember, we all experience this. Every single one of us.

But what do you do with all of this? Once you've done the work, taken action and made leaps and bounds despite your lack of confidence or the imposter syndrome creep?

You turn it into your brand story. It becomes your personal brand. It becomes a part of your uniqueness and it changes your perception. It is something that no one else has and no one else can ever have. It cannot be replicated. It becomes undeniable, magnetic.

Clients always tell me "I want to stand out". Well, of course you do. Everyone does. But what have you got that's different? What makes you stand out? It isn't just about product features or price point. It's about the story you weave and the story you sell that ultimately determines your success.

All that magic is just waiting for you to do something - anything! And you have the power to start right now. Like, right now.


Authenticity, community building and emotional connections: The blueprint for an undeniable brand.


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