The half-yearly business reset + sharing our goals!

And just like that, we're halfway through the year and how quickly has it gone! We're so quick to celebrate the beginning of a new year the opportunity for reflection, we write down our goals and all the things we want to achieve, but by mid-year, we're flat, feeling burnt out and we can't see how our goals might've progressed.

Let the mid-year celebrations begin!

These last 6 months have been a major period of reflection for me and TGS, which means I'm tackling the next 6 with a plan and a clear head. With mid-year also comes the end of the financial year, so of course, it's the perfect time for a little goals refresh.

When setting goals, always remember that they should push you outside your comfort zone, but should also be achievable within a certain timeframe. Aim to have a few big, scary goals and a few smaller, more attainable goals. This will maintain your enthusiasm, and every time you check one off, it'll give you that spicy little dopamine hit you need to stay motivated.

Now, with those big, scary goals, don't just write them down in your notes and forget about them. They need to be visible, but you also need an action plan. Without this action plan, set milestones and a timeframe, you'll be more likely to lose track and momentum.

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In the spirit of transparency, we're a small business, just like yours. Our goals vary year to year and it's almost too easy to forget about all the things we had planned in January. It was set to be another big, exciting year, but alas, the universe had other plans. So, forever grateful for an opportunity to reset and reevaluate, here's our top goals for the next six months.

Our goals

  • Streamline all client processes using a management system, improved documentation and anticipating clients needs based on previous experiences.

  • Audit all offerings/services to ensure these are aligned with current client needs, accurate pricing and deliverables are consistent with client expectations.

  • Stay on top of finances, forecasting, reporting and more. Have a broader understanding of my finances and how it impacts TGS's profitability.

  • Grow product offering to target all stages of my ideal clients journey, creating a consistent monthly income revenue stream.

Now, to keep these goals front of mind, write them down, pin them up, find images that resonate with how you want to show up and the outcomes you desire. Create a plan for each goal with milestones and check-in points to keep on track and hold yourself accountable. Find yourself a business bestie and share your goals and hold each other to account and on track to achieving them! There's nothing better than sharing your plans with someone and having them support and rally around you when you need it most (always return the favour!)

Now, write down those goals and smash them out for the rest of the year! You've got this!

Wanting more direction in your business? A new brand one of your milestones to achieve one of your goals? Let’s chat!


It’s our birthday! Here’s (nearly) everything we’ve learnt.


Inconsistency is killing your business + freebie!