Everything is in your power. Including your self-belief.

Imposter syndrome means you are self critical. You don't believe you should be where you are, but in actual fact, you have every right to be there.

There's room for everyone and what you bring to the table is unique and special and that shouldn't be hidden because you have this limiting belief about your ability, contribution and success.

Imposter syndrome is no joke. I personally have suffered through multiple rounds of it with every client, every price increase, every time I went to show up online or have an opinion. It was debilitating and it rocks your confidence like nothing else. But, I'm here to tell you that you don't need to see imposter syndrome as your enemy. You just need to realise your infinite potential and assure yourself of the seat you're sitting at, at the table you desire.

Everything is in your power.

Imposter syndrome isn't something that you need to 'overcome' or fix. It's always going to be there, especially if you have high expectations of yourself. Instead, let's look at it differently. You just need to increase your self-belief.

Your business won't succeed without you. That's something I've learnt for myself, and it's something I always incorporate into my client's brand strategies and business mindsets. You are you, and that is so much more powerful than you realise. The self-belief you have is yours. No one else can believe in you the way you need to believe in yourself in order to be successful. If you inherently believe that you were born to do [insert your dream here], then you will do it. Nothing will get in your way.

The level of self-belief you need to bring your desired to reality to life is the number one thing you need in your business, right now. This unwavering self-belief will allow you to persist and be driven towards your goals, despite the challenges you face. Because challenges are inevitable, it's how you respond to them that will determine the outcome. And through self-belief, comes the powerful act of self-reflection. This time for reflecting ensures that you're always finding the best way forward and working on your resilience.

Your self-belief comes from such a deep place in your subconscious. It's your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions and a deep conditioning for what you 'think' you should do, or should be, or should act. See all the 'shoulds'. The 'shoulds' aren't aligned to your highest potential or your highest self. And when you feel like you 'should' do something because of x, y, z, you're actually giving your mind the power to override your perseverance and instil self-doubt. Instead of saying 'should' change the language to be 'want' or 'need', and see how you react.

Along with those language shifts, you also need to employ some serious mindset shift tactics that will help you achieve the level of self-belief you're after. These can look like simple mantras or statements like

  • I am deserving of this success.

  • I am worthy of the money I desire.

  • I can achieve x, y, z.

In 'Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself' by Joe Dispenza, he talks about the infinite realities that we live in simultaneously. A bit woo woo, maybe, but what I took from it was this:

We all have the ability to dream up the life, the business, the success, the goals that we want. We can access that realm of infinite potential, we just have to believe, in our selves, that we can achieve it.

It all starts with believing in yourself.


From uninspired to a renewed sense of excitement! A client story.


Your dream life isn’t that far away…