Here’s why we don’t work with “girl bosses”.

Hustle culture is dead. The ‘girl boss’ era did more harm than good. Stretching yourself thin isn’t productive. You cannot do it all. And that’s ok!

We know that owning a business is hard. We know that as women our health and wellbeing needs to come first. We need to feel nourished, loved and supported in order for us to perform at our best. We inherently know that to be in our feminine (creative) energy, we need to have structure and routine (masculine).

And honestly, thank goodness hustle culture is dead. Nothing good comes from burning ourselves out for the sake of being a ‘girl boss’ or living up to someone else’s expectation of success.

You decide what success looks like for you. It’s as simple as that.

Success doesn’t have to look like $10k months, or a big house or travelling overseas three times a year. It can look like having enough money to support you and your family. It can be working less and spending more time at home. It can look like having the freedom to live your life the way you want.

The women that we work with here at Third Ginger Studio, aren’t ‘girl bosses’. In our branding questionnaire, we always ask what their goals are for 1 year, 3 years and 5 years. They never say

  • to be making heaps of money

  • to have $X in savings

  • to spend more time at work

  • to create a long-lasting legacy

  • to buy X, Y and Z

Instead, here’s what they answer

  • to have financial freedom (this looks different for everyone)

  • to spend more time with my family

  • to build a team so I can step back

  • to leave a highly stressful, toxic workplace and live how I want

  • to start slowing down and enjoying life

  • to feel independent and in control of my life and the decisions I make

  • to not feel guilty for wanting to live my life

  • to travel and experience new things without stressing about a job

  • to love what I do every day

  • to show up for myself, my partner and my family as the best version of myself

Having goals and dreams that aren’t linked to financial gain or someone else’s version of success allows you to realise how important it is to live the life you want. To be happy in the life that you are creating for you, is more important than hustling and burning yourself out. It’s more important than doing it all.

We don’t work with girl bosses, because we’re all about intentional decisions, listening to yourself and helping you create the life you want by designing thoughtful, soul-infused brands that allow you to show up as you — which is what people want!


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