Fake it til you make it: Self-belief edition.

Would you believe me if I said your self-belief directly influences your success*?

You're on the cusp of something great, you can feel it, but you don't believe you're ready for it. You don't believe you deserve it. You worried about how it might look to others.

In reality, that external validation only gets you so far. If you're motivated by external praise and recognition, you're doing things that aren't 100% aligned to your values or your goals.

That validation needs to come from you first, because that is your constant source of drive, motivation and is a reserve that you can tap into when things get tough, or when those external voices quieten down.

Your self-belief needs to come from you, and you only. Believe that you can do anything you put your mind to, and you'll be your own source of inspiration, that leads to the goals and dreams you set for yourself.

*Success = whatever that looks like for you!

In order to influence your untapped potential, you need to

🌟 Believe that you know more than you think you do when it comes to your skills, abilities and knowledge.

🌟 Do hard things, every day. Whatever that looks, that discipline of constantly proving to yourself that you can deliver will increase your self-belief ten fold!

🌟 Take initiative! People that believe in themselves are more likely to take risks, make bold moves and seize opportunities. Initiative is a catalyst for success.

🌟 Persevere. Have unwavering trust in your ability to achieve your goals. Keep pushing forward, even when the challenges are getting you down.

🌟 Believe in yourself in order to attract support from others. This can look like investors, mentors, clients, collaborators, all who are drawn to your confidence and passion.

🌟 Understand that failure is a part of succeeding. It doesn't define your worth, or potential, and this self assured perspective, allows you to bounce back and move on quickly, allowing for greater and quicker growth every step of the way.

Your self-belief is the driving force behind your success. It empowers you to take action, stay resilient and overcome challenges you didn't see coming. As a female business owner with a strong sense of self-belief, you have the potential to not only achieve your own goals but also inspire and empower others along the way. If you continue nurturing that self-belief, you'll continue to move closer to your vision of financial independence, location freedom, and a sustainable brand and business. You're on the right path, and your self-belief will be your greatest achievement!

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